1. Login to MyCointainer.
  2. Click on "Deposit" button.

3. Select the coin which you want to deposit & start staking.

4. Generate an address for the selected coin.

5. Transfer your assets to given address.

6. You are done. Your coins will soon appear in your MyCointainer account and start generating rewards!

The time the coin reaches the platform depends on the selected asset. Before sending your coins, make sure you have done everything right twice. If your deposit has not appeared for a long time please check how to raise missing deposit request.

Happy Earning!!!

MyCointainer has 100+ digital assets to stake. List of assets can be found at https://www.mycointainer.com/assets

Using MyCointainer POWER plans, get all 100% rewards. 0% stake fees for all assets. Check out MyCointainer POWER PLANS.

For any support, send email to support@mycointainer.com