Recently MyCointainer has launched a new feature to create a missing deposit request in few simple steps.

  1. Login to MyCointainer.
  2. Go to MyAccount -> Transactions.
  3. Click on 'Add Missing Deposit' as shown below.

4. Select the coin which you want to raise request.
Ex: Avalanche (selected below) and add the transaction hash and create request.

5. You are done. New request is raised.

6. Support will care about your case. You can check the status under 'Missing Deposit Requests'.

If you have problems filling in the form, please contact us (use the email address with which you registered an account on the platform) at with the following details:

  • The asset you have deposited (Name of Coin)
  • Amount of coins
  • Most importantly transaction ID

Happy Earning!!!

MyCointainer has 100+ digital assets to stake. List of assets can be found at

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