This report covers the period 6th - 13th  December 2020. Best Performing Staking Coins - Weekly Summary. Enjoy!

Hi, Insight Readers. Proof of Stake assets available at MyCointainer have secured positive earnings for numerous weeks and coins got more and more attractive over time. The gains are between +5.77% to +88.06%. An increase in earnings percentages from last week.

The top performer of the week is Polis (POLIS) with +88.06%. Same as the top performing shared masternode coin week #50. Community consensus is the core of the Polis philosophy.

Supporting coins are CloakCoin (CLOAK) with +83.04% and Harmony (ONE) with +38.14%. CLOAK dropped from 1st place last week, to 2nd place this week.

Aside from CLOAK, Radium (RADS) reappeared for 2 weeks in a row. The standing of RADS jumped from 10th place to 4th place this week.

List of top 10 staking intrest earning coins that are available on MyCointainer Platform can be found below:

Top 10 Performing Staking Coins this week:

  1. Polis (POLIS) + 88.06 %
  2. CloakCoin (CLOAK) + 83.04 %
  3. Harmony (ONE) + 38.14 %
  4. Radium (RADS) + 34.48 %
  5. ColossusXT (COLX) + 33.21 %
  6. Deep Onion (ONION) + 19.46 %
  7. Livepeer (LPT) + 9.99 %
  8. Reddcoin (RDD) + 9.78 %
  9. Stratis (STRAX) + 7.22 %
  10. Neutrino Dollar (USDN) + 5.77 %

Intrest earned on those 10 top staking coins this week:

  1. Polis (POLIS) + 1 POLIS
  2. CloakCoin (CLOAK) + 0.53 CLOAK
  3. Harmony (ONE) + 39 ONE
  4. Radium (RADS) + 0.97 RADS
  5. ColossusXT (COLX) + 954 COLX
  6. Deep Onion (ONION) + 2 ONION
  7. Livepeer (LPT) + 0.32 LPT
  8. Reddcoin (RDD) + 484 RDD
  9. Stratis (STRAX) + 0.03 STRAX
  10. Neutrino Dollar (USDN) + 0.26 USDN

5 coins that positioned themselves just outside of the top 10 are: Blocknet, NavCoin, Waves, Nuls, and Nem.

Maximize your earning by subscribing to MyCointainer Power Max and receive 100% rewards. Aside from the zero-staking fee, the most notable feature is the Rewards Match Promise. We will match rewards versus solo masternode/staking. More reasons to have a worry-free, easy-to-use staking platform.

Happy staking everyone.