MyCointainer community is growing rapidly across the globe and we are bringing out new features and collaborating with partners to benefit MyCointainer members.

Few tips to write email to support team to get resolutions faster:

  1. Always use registered email id (registered with MyCointainer) while writing email to support team.
  2. MyCointainer's official support email:
    (Don't send your queries or issues to any other email, which could be spam).
  3. Dont send multiple emails for same issue. MyCointainer team takes 24 - 48 hrs to respond user queries.

Guides helpful to MyCointainer users:

Missing Deposits?

Check out how to raise missing deposit request: Click Here

Getting lower staking rewards / APY than before ?

Before raising any request, check out how staking rewards / APY are calculated: Click Here

MyCointainer platform guides <- link to tag here
Check ou other MyCointainer platform guides like:

  • How to register? <-link
  • How to buy bitcoin? <-link
  • How to swap coins? <-link

Happy Earning!!!

MyCointainer has 100+ digital assets to stake. List of assets can be found at

Using MyCointainer POWER plans, get all 100% rewards. 0% stake fees for all assets. Check out MyCointainer POWER PLANS.